We sat down for a phone interview with Eric, a Layerly website customer, and asked a few questions about his business, why he chose Layerly, the results from his website and what’s next. Eric is in the Financial Services industry and runs landing pages to grow leads for his business.
Read along our phone transcript as he answers question about his experience with Layerly.
To start us off, just tell me briefly why a website was attractive to you.
Doing financial services and in the life insurance industry, really the main competitor for a lot of us and the main resource is to get more people. And really, it’s all about getting extra clients for your business and your team. You know, without clients, without people, it really comes down to networking, family and friends, which typically in the industry people tend to run out of these things.
If you can create a resource and a revenue using the website to help generate people to your website along with using Facebook to try to bring them to a page — that’s like the number one reason to really get it going.
So, before Layerly did you ever have a website or have any experience with a website before?
I did not. I think it was kind of a space that I wasn’t really aware of. And it was kind of intimidating to me, honestly. (Layerly) helped build it in the image that I wanted, I really like the customizability and how simplified you can make it where it’s not overly complicated.
And basically being able to show you a couple templates of ideas, but kind of more simplified. I thought that was huge, because I think in this day and age, you know, we’re in a very scroll society where people scroll and move on. So if you don’t have something that’s going to stop and grab their attention right away, I don’t think it’s going to benefit.
I think it was kind of a space that I wasn’t really aware of. And it was kind of intimidating to me, honestly. (Layerly) helped build it in the image that I wanted, I really like the customizability and how simplified you can make it where it’s not overly complicated.
Once you heard about Layerly and got on the website and how simple or difficult was the process; going from clicking the sign up button, to seeing your website for the first time.
Having (a website) set up literally within a couple of days was very fast. I think I’ve seen the first the first part of the actual website within 48 to 72 hours, which is very, very quick. I think it was huge because it allowed us to make adjustments before we fully started running ads or anything through Facebook to the page.
The process was a lot quicker than what I thought it was. You know, I thought it was such a huge build, a whole process, but honestly, it was super simple.

Awesome. Good. And, you know, once you saw the first look at your site, did you feel like changes were were pretty easy? Was there any challenge with going through revisions or anything like that?
I think changes were very simple. When there was adjustments, it was like instantaneous. It was done. It wasn’t a long turnaround and I love that.
That’s great. So how has a Layerly website helped your business?
I think we’re still in the infant stages of the website, which is exciting knowing that we can still generate activity to the page. To me it’s huge because I feel like you’re not going to fully understand everything and see what the true results can be six months down the road. Personally, I don’t look at what it’s done for the company and for my business right away.
It puts our people in the best position to be able to earn, see more families, see more people, protect more families, earn more income from something else. So, I think it’s just a tool and avenue to invest a little bit back into your business to help grow.
Okay, awesome. Last question I’ve got for you. Would you recommend Layerly to somebody for a website? And if so, why?
Absolutely. I would have recommended to a lot of people who don’t have knowledge in this space. I think I thought of a website before as being very in-depth, very detailed, very multi-layered, multiple pages — and it doesn’t need to be. I think most websites having a landing page, especially if you’re in business for yourself, I think is one of the most useful things, whether it’s for recruiting or sale vendor.
It’s a very smart investment and I definitely recommend it to other people in business like myself.
Take a look at the lead generating website we made for Eric at this link.
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